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I - R (bibliography by author) -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- ---- Jacobson, Jodi L. A really worst case scenario-rising seas from global warming may imperil 1989 Oceanus Summer 1989 p36 v32 ---- Jager, J. Anticipating climatic change 1988 Environment Sept. 1988 p12-15 v30 ---- Jones, R. L. Ozone depletion - bad news from Arctic with signs of dry nitrogen removal 1990 Nature Mar. 22, 1990 p294-295 v344 ---- Jordan, Carl F. Amazonian rain forests-ecosystem disturbance and recovery 1987 Springer-Verlag New York, NY 133 p. ---- Kellogg, William W., and Zong-Ci, Zhao Sensitivity of soil moisture to doubling of carbon dioxide in climate mod 1988 Journal of Climate Apr. 1988 p348-366 v1,n4 ---- Kerr, Richard A. Global warming continues in 1989 1990 Science Feb. 2, 1990 p521 v247 ---- Kerr, Richard A. The global warming is real 1989 Science Feb. 3, 1989 p603 b243 ---- Langbein, W. B., et al. Annual runoff in the United States-U.S. geological survey circular 5 1949 U.S. Dept. of the Interior Washington, D.C. ---- Lanouette, William Global warming - how much and why? 1990 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Apr. 1990 p38-39 v46 ---- Lawren, Bill How safe is your world?-You have a right to know 1990 National Wildlife Feb./Mar. 1990 p18-19 v28,n2 ---- Levi, Barbara Goss Climate modelers struggle to understand global warming 1990 Physics Today Feb. 1990 p17-19 43 ---- Lockerby, Robert W. The ozone hole-a selected bibliography 1989 Vance Bibliographies Monticello, IL 12 p. ---- Lovins, A. B., Lovins, L. H., Krause, F. and Bach, W. Least-cost energy-solving the CO2 problem 1989 Rocky Mountain Institute Snowmass, CO 191 p. ---- Lovins, Amory B. Energy/war-breaking the nuclear link 1980 Friends of the Earth San Francisco, CA 161 p. ---- Lovins, Amory B. The energy controversy-soft path questions & answers 1979 Friends of the Earth San Francisco, CA 450 p. ---- Lovins, Amory B. Non-nuclear futures-the case for an ethical energy strategy 1975 Friends of the Earth International San Francisco, CA 223 p. ---- Lovins, Amory B. World energy strategies-facts, issues and options 1975 Friends of the Earth International San Francisco, CA 131 p. ---- Lovins, Amory, B. Soft energy paths-toward a durable peace 1977 Friends of the Earth International San Francisco, CA 231 p. ---- Lovins, L. Hunter Energy unbound-a fable for America's future 1986 Sierra Club Books San Francisco, CA 390 p. ---- MacKenzie, Debora Substitute CFCs will stoke global warming 1989 New Scientist May 13, 1989 p25-26 v122 ---- Makhijani, A., Bickel and Makhijani Still working on the ozone hole 1990 Technology Review May/June, 1990 p53-59 v93,n4 ---- Matthews, Samuel W. Is our world warming? 1990 National Geographic Oct. 1990 p66-99 v178,n ---- McGourty, Christine Global warming becomes an international political issue 1988 Nature Nov. 17, 1988 p194 v336 ---- McKibben, Bill The end of nature 1990 Random House New York, NY ---- Miller, Alan and Mintzer, Irving Global warming: no nuclear quick fix 1990 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists June, 1990 p31-34 v46,n5 ---- Milne, Roger Pressure grows for US to act on global warming 1990 New Scientist June 2, 1990 p23 v126 ---- Moll, Gary & Ebenreck, Sara Shading our cities-a resource guide for urban and community forests 1989 Island Press Washington, D. C. 260 p. ---- Monastersky, Richard EPA offers options to slow global warming 1989 Science News Mar. 25, 1989 p183 v135 ---- Moore, Curtis A. Will changing your light bulb save the world? 1989 International Wildlife May/June 1989 p18-23 v19,n3 ---- Oliver, David A cool solution to global warming 1990 New Scientist May 12, 1990 p42-45 v126,n1716 ---- Page, Jake A question of degree 1989 National Parks July/Aug. 1989 p. p24-29 v63 ---- Philips, Michael Reactors redux 1989 Sierra Mar./Apr. 1989 p56-61 v74,n2 ---- Prather, Michael J. and Watson, Robert T. Stratospheric ozone depletion & future levels of atmo. chlorine and bromi 1990 Nature April 19, 1990 p729-734 v344 ---- Ramanathan, V. et al. Cloud-radiative forcing and climate- results from the earth radiation bud 1989 Science Jan. 6, 1989 57-63 v243 ---- Ramanathan, V., Cicerone, R. J. et al. Trace gas trends and their potential role in climate change 1985 Journal of Geophysical Research 1985 p5547-5566 v90 ---- Reddy, Amulya K. N. and Goldemberg, Jose Energy for the developing world 1990 Scientific American Sept. 1990 p110-118 v263.n3 ---- Renner, Michael G. Hot air on global warming 1990 World-Watch May/June, 1990 p35-36 v3,n3 ---- Revkin, Andrew C. Murder in the Amazon 1990 Discover Jan., 1990 p30-32 ---- Roan, Sharon L. Ozone crisis-the 15-year evolution of a sudden global emergency 1989 John Wiley & Sons New York, NY 270 p. ---- Roberts, Leslie Global warming report-letters 1990 Science Jan. 5, 1990 p14-16 v247 ---- Roberts, Leslie Global warming-blaming the sun 1989 Science Nov. 24, 1989 p992-993 v246 ---- Ross, Marc H. and Steinmeyer, Daniel Energy for industry 1990 Scientific American Sept. 1990 p88-98 v263,n3 ***